Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here I go...again

OK, so I have tried to blog online several times over the years and have not had the patience, nor commitment, to keep it up. Well, I decided to try one more time.

I think I have been trying too hard to sound impressive. You know, like all the other guys out there. But let's be real...or actually, I need to be real. I need to be who I really am and just let you enjoy (or not) whatever I happen to write here.

I came upon this realization as I was looking into a particular blog. I am not sure exactly what this guys does, but I am pretty sure he is a young adults pastor, and/or maybe a youth pastor. You can check out his blog here. He's a pretty cool guy, judging by what he says, but I love the way he simply says "this is what I did today". That's what I think I would like to do here as well. We will see, but that's my hope.

So, if you are new to this blog, welcome. Actually, if you are reading this at all you must be new to it. Regardless, welcome to a window to my corner of the world!